Women’s Giving Circle Celebrates its 15th Anniversary by Increasing Grant Awards!

In honor of the WGC's 15th anniversary, the members are celebrating by adding an extra $1500 to the maximum request amount! Applicants can apply for up to $7500 in funding this year, up from the previous $6000.

The Women's Giving Circle will be accepting grant applications from April 1 to July 1, 2022. Any nonprofit that benefits Eau Claire area women and/or children under age 18 is eligible to apply. You can learn more about this opportunity on the Women's Giving Circle Grant Cycle page of this site.
All grant applications must be submitted by midnight on July 1, 2022.

Please call the Eau Claire Community Foundation at (715) 552-3801 or email Rebecca at [email protected] if you would like more information about the Women's Giving Circle and its grant application process.