Women’s Giving Circle Members Celebrate Grantees at their Spring Gathering

Women's Giving Circle logoThe Women’s Giving Circle held its largest gathering ever at the The Brewing Projekt on May 13! Current WGC grantees shared all the good work they are doing to support women and children funded by the grant dollars from  generous WGC members. Through the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Greater Chippewa Valley - Altoona Center students are learning to calm their emotions. The Chippewa Valley Museum is bringing our logging history alive for school age children with an interactive gallery renovation at the @wisconsinlogging. Children are building confidence and showcasing their talents with new music for the Chippewa Valley Youth Choirs, while the Eau Claire Area Hmong Mutual Assistance Association is strengthening intergenerational bonds in the Hmong community. WGC funds for Lutheran Social Services of WI & Upper MI Gaining Ground program provide supportive services to help women dealing with homelessness and chronic mental health issues, and Professional Dental Hygiene Express is bringing bright smiles and healthy teeth to preschoolers in Head Start programs.
WGC members' hearts are full, and they're looking forward to funding even more worthy projects in 2024!