Leave Your Legacy ECCF established the Legacy Society to recognize individuals who have made provisions in their estate plans to provide a gift to ECCF. By including ECCF in your will, establishing a charitable gift annuity or remainder trust, or naming ECCF as beneficiary of a life insurance policy, members of the Legacy Society look beyond the here and now to the future well–being of the greater Eau Claire area. We're grateful to those who remember ECCF with a bequest from their estate, or who have indicated that ECCF has been named a future beneficiary of their estate. For a complete listing, please see the Legacy Society Members page. Your Legacy will allow you to establish a fund at ECCF to benefit your favorite nonprofit organizations or causes. You may also choose to designate your legacy gift to any ECCF fund or our Operations Fund. When you complete a non-binding, confidential Statement of Intent, we can honor your charitable wishes.