5 Martins Family Fund The 5 Martins Family Fund is an Acorn Fund at the Eau Claire Community Foundation that will support grants when it reaches its required minimum balanc...
Andrew and Brenda Schlafer Family Fund This Acorn Fund will eventually grow to support Eau Claire area nonprofits....
Ann Gunderson Thornburg Fund This Acorn Fund will eventually become a Donor Advised Fund that will support various worthy organizations. You can donate online or send a check to: ...
Beckermann Family Fund This fund supports programs promoting family literacy, addressing and preventing homelessness, and supporting arts and culture....
Bob and Louise Barfknecht Fund This Fund supports a diverse array of causes, including animals and the environment; the economic health of the community; arts and culture; and techn...
Chippewa Valley Museums Endowment Fund This Endowment Fund can accept direct gifts to support the operations of the Wisconsin Logging Museum, located in Eau Claire's Carson Park....
CVM–Wisconsin Logging Museum Fund Gifts to this Agency Endowment Fund support the operations of the Wisconsin Logging Museum and must be made through the Chippewa Valley Museum....
Dean J. Arnold CVM Archivist Intern Fund This Fund provides funding for an intern who focuses on preserving and archiving historical information for the Chippewa Valley Museum on an annual ba...
Dean J. Arnold Endowment Fund The Dean J. Arnold Endowment Fund honors the memories of several important people by designating annual grants to three Eau Claire area nonprofits:...