Family Promise of the Chippewa Valley Fund The Family Promise of the Chippewa Valley Fund provides support and assistance to Family Promise of the Chippewa Valley, formerly known as Interfaith Hospitality Network. This nonprofit serves families and single pregnant women who are temporarily homeless or at risk of homelessness by offering resources for emergency assistance, stabilization, and prevention. One of these resources is Beacon House, which serves homeless children by giving them a place to stay while their families work to identify and overcome their obstacles to housing. The average stay lasts about 45 days, and the families almost always have found permanent housing by the time they leave. Beacon House, which is supported by donations and volunteers from more than 20 local congregations, puts its philosophy—“Housing is a right and not a reward"—into practice, with life-changing results. Gifts to this endowment fund must be made directly to Family Promise of the Chippewa Valley and designated for the endowment held at the Eau Claire Community Foundation. Please see their website (linked below) for more information.