Exciting new grant opportunity for Eau Claire area nonprofits!

For 25 years, ECCF has supported local nonprofits through its annual Community Grant Cycle. Through this cycle and other types of grants, ECCF has distributed more than $23 million to nonprofits since it opened in 1997. ECCF is truly grateful to all the donors and businesses who made these grants possible.

While Community Grants traditionally support programs and asset purchases, ECCF is adding an exciting and much-needed new opportunity in 2023: For the first time, nonprofits will be able to apply for grants of up to $10,000 to support their operations expenses during times of increased need.

Nonprofits have long struggled to stay afloat in challenging circumstances. Everything from pandemic closures to the state of the stock market can affect their bottom lines by cancelling fundraisers and reducing donor contributions—all while demand for their services often increases. Even during relatively stable times, transitions such as the loss of an Executive Director or a move to a new location can significantly impact nonprofits’ ability to pay their bills.

That’s why ECCF is implementing the new Operations grant option. While these grants aren’t intended to be ongoing sources of support, they can help nonprofits keep their doors open during times of transition, unexpected revenue loss, or unusually high expenses. When the next Community Grant Cycle opens, nonprofits can assess their greatest needs and apply for either a Program, an Asset, or an Operations grant.

Jackie Rasmussen, the Chair of ECCF’s Grants Committee, expressed her enthusiasm for the new option: “On behalf of ECCF and the Grants Committee, we are very excited to add this third component to our grants cycle to directly support and strengthen the needs of our community!”

ECCF’s Community Grant Cycle will accept applications from Nov. 1, 2022, to Jan. 20, 2023. Grant awards will be presented at ECCF’s Annual Meeting in June 2023. Any tax-exempt nonprofit that serves Eau Claire County is eligible to apply. To learn more, you can visit the “Grant Opportunities” page, email the Program Specialist at [email protected], or call (715) 552-3801.