ECCF Fund Options

Funds at ECCF

ECCF holds more than 400 funds ranging in size from $10,000 to more than $1 million. Each fund is as unique as the donor who creates it. ECCF invests these funds, and a portion of the earnings is used to make grants according to the wishes of the donors.


  • Explore ECCF Fund Options

    The Eau Claire Community Foundation offers a range of different funds, providing flexibility in fulfilling your charitable objectives. Whether you want to benefit a community, a cause, or many charities, we can structure a fund to meet your needs.

    An Acorn fund is a starter fund that grows over time (with a maximum of five years to become fully funded). When contributions and earnings reach the minimum donation for the specific type of fund, granting can begin. Minimum of $500 to establish; amount to become fully funded varies.

    Designated Named
    A Designated Named fund allows donors to support their favorite nonprofit organization, church, or school forever. A single fund can support one or more charities, even specific programs of these charities. If the organization chosen eventually ceases to exist, the Foundation will redirect the fund’s income to another organization with a similar mission. Minimum of $500 to establish; minimum of $10,000 to grant.

    Donor Advised
    Donor Advised Funds allow individuals, families, and businesses to be fully involved in their philanthropy. Donors recommend grants to their favorite nonprofits, while the Foundation handles all the paperwork and administration. These funds offer many of the same benefits as a private foundation without the burden and cost. Plus, many of our fundholders appreciate the opportunity to tap into our knowledge of local issues.

    Donor Advised funds are especially useful for donors who want to take a charitable deduction in one year and recommend distributions over several years. Minimum of $1500 to establish; minimum of $25,000 to grant.

    (Please note that IRS regulations require the ultimate decision-making authority for the award of the grants to lie with the Foundation.)

    Field of Interest
    A Field of Interest fund allows donors to allocate their contribution for the benefit of one or more areas of interest. These include, but are not limited to, education, health, social services, the arts, or preservation of resources. Field of Interest funds are broad in scope, yet encompass many of the essential strengths and needs of the community. Minimum of $500 to establish; minimum of $10,000 to grant.

    An Unrestricted fund allows the donor’s charitable giving to have the greatest possible impact now and in the future. The Foundation is authorized to allocate gifts to a variety of programs and services, giving the most flexibility in responding to emerging needs and opportunities in the community. Minimum of $500 to establish; minimum of $10,000 to grant.

    Scholarship funds are dedicated to the continued education or training of children or adults. Scholarship programs may be designed to meet certain specifications, such as supporting students in a specific area of study, rewarding academic achievement, mitigating financial need, or supporting students from a particular high school. The Eau Claire Public Schools Foundation supports the Eau Claire Area School District scholarships. Minimum of $1000 to establish; minimum of $15,000 to grant. Some restrictions apply.

    Other types of Funds at ECCF

    Agency Endowment
    Agency Endowment funds allow charitable organizations to establish endowment funds within the Foundation rather than create and manage such a fund themselves. This type of fund generates a predictable stream of income while the rest of the investment grows into perpetuity, so that the nonprofit can use the earnings from the fund to offset their operations forever. Minimum of $500 to establish; minimum of $10,000 to grant.

    Pass-Through funds are a short-term fund that supports a specific purpose or project which will benefit our community forever. Minimum of $500 to establish; minimum of $10,000 to grant. Some restrictions apply.

    Supporting Organization
    A supporting organization (also known as a “supporting foundation”) is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization formed to support the work of another charitable organization. It is a distinct legal entity affiliated with the Eau Claire Community Foundation’s purposes and operations.

    If your client prefers not to start a fund

    Clients can donate to any fund at the Foundation except for an Agency Endowment Fund. Donations to these two funds are particularly appreciated because they support the entire community:

    Community Fund

    The Community Fund benefits the Eau Claire area as a whole. It enables the Eau Claire Community Foundation to respond to changing community needs and emergencies, to support innovative solutions to community problems, and to enhance the quality of community life. No restrictions are placed on how this fund may be used, leaving the most effective charitable application to the expertise and discretion of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees.

    Operations Fund

    The Operations fund provides operational support for the Foundation. Support of the Operations fund makes a lasting impact on the community by providing resources to expand the mission of the Foundation.

    For more information about how to donate to the Community Fund, please consult the Ways to Give page. Are you considering a private foundation?  This simple chart will help you in making that decision.   

Socially Responsible Investment Portfolio

ECCF is pleased to announce its new Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) Portfolio. This option will be in addition to our current Diversified Portfolios held by Morgan Stanley.

The new SRI portfolio will focus on climate change, health and well-being, inclusion, resource management, and safety and security.

Morgan Stanley is the SRI Portfolio’s Investment Manager. It’s been a leader in this area for over 30 years, and its team has a rich history of experience and knowledge in the social investing industry.

With this new option, our donors will be able to do twice as much good by granting to nonprofits they care about from funds they feel good about.

Foundation Fees

Fees support fund and grant management, investment oversight, an annual independent audit, and the general operations of the Foundation. Administrative fees for operations vary depending on the type of fund. For more information regarding fee structure, please write to [email protected] or call (715) 552-3801