Sculpture Tour Eau Claire’s People’s Choice Award

Sculpture Tour Eau Claire announces that the 4th People’s Choice Sculpture is “Going for the Goal” by Colorado Sculpture Artist Dee Clements.

Going for the Goal
Going for the Goal

Area residents chose this sculpture during the voting period, which ran from May to October, 2014. “Going for the Goal” will be purchased and donated to the City of Eau Claire for permanent display.

The voting resulted in other awards as well: The 2014 Best of Show Award is “Lakota Sun” by Shawn Morin from Ohio; the 2014 Best of Bronze Award is “T-Table” by Robert Gehrke from Wisconsin; the 2014 Best of Other Material is “Prairie Ship” (Metal/Reclaimed Agrarian Materials) by Greg Mueller from South Carolina; the Honorable Mention Bronze is “Boy Reading” by Eluisa Altman from New Jersey.

Please visit Sculpture Tour Eau Claire's website to see these sculptures and others on the tour.

All other sculptures are available for purchase through Sculpture Tour Eau Claire. The current tour will end in April 2015.