Women’s Giving Circle Appeals to Young Philanthropists

WGCThe Women’s Giving Circle (WGC) is pleased to announce its outreach to Young Philanthropists. 100 young people between the ages of 22 and 39 will have the opportunity to become members of the WGC at a reduced rate: The normal annual donation of $250 will be reduced to $150 for up to three years. Membership will be $250 annually after those three years or when a new member turns 40.

The WGC, a fund of the Eau Claire Community Foundation, was founded in 2007. Its diverse group of members uses the power of collective giving by pooling their donations in order to fund grants to nonprofit organizations that work to enhance the well-being of women and children in our community. The impact of each $250 contribution is considerable: Together, the WGC members have distributed over $151,000 in grants and raised their Endowment to over $250,000 since their fund was established.

WGC Young Philanthropists Membership Form


Anyone interested in learning more about the WGC—or joining it—can explore the Women’s Giving Circle page of this website, which is located under the “Lasting Impact” tab at the top of the screen. They can also contact the Foundation office by writing to [email protected] or calling (715) 552-3801.

Everyone is  invited to the Women's Giving Circle's Fall Educational Event, a free event on the topic of "Homelessness: Its Effects on Children and Families in Our Community." Please see the Events tab of this website for more information.