
ECCF Offers Unexpected Grants and Inspiring Speakers at its Combined Autumn Social | Annual Meeting

   In celebration of our 25th Anniversary, ECCF has awarded more than a quarter million dollars to local nonprofits over the past 12 months. Thanks to the incredible generosity of many donors and sponsors, we're thrilled to continue that trend with an unexpected $20,000 in grants to local nonprofits to close our year-long celebration. These “You Care, We Share” grants were awarded at our combined Autumn Social/Annual meeting on Sep. 19. Along with the grants, ECCF was honored to recognize the Roberta and Ken Vance Family…

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2021 Autumn Social Highlights

This year we held our 2021 Autumn Social event on September 27th.  Each year at this event, the Board of Trustees gives special recognition to a leader or leaders who have made a significant impact at the Eau Claire Community Foundation. This year, we recognized Dan and Debbie Market, whose commitment and support have been invaluable to the Eau Claire Community Foundation. They will join the previous Leadership Award recipients whose outstanding work has made our foundation what it is today. Dan Market served on ECCF’s Board of Trustees from…

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Eau Claire Public Schools Foundation Celebrates Founding Partners Event

Community members come together to celebrate the Eau Claire Public Schools Foundation's Founding Partners Event. On September 24, Eau Claire Area School District principals, administrators, school board members, and community partners came together to honor the Eau Claire Public Schools Foundation’s 52 Founding Partners. The Eau Claire Public Schools Foundation held the special event to thank the Founding Partners for Education, who have each donated $5,000 or more to establish the District Wide Endowed Fund for the Future and other funds that address the District’s greatest…

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Congratulations, 2015 ECCF Grantees!

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Congratulations to the nonprofit organizations that received grants from the 2015 Eau Claire Community Foundation Competitive Grant Cycle! The checks were officially presented at the ECCF Annual Meeting on June 4, 2015. The Eau Claire Community Foundation received a wide spectrum of grant applications in 2015; here is that year by the numbers: We received 59 grant applications, 31 for asset purchases and 28 for program expenses, totaling $285,096. We were able to fund, either fully or partially, 44 of those applications, 24 of which were for asset purchases and…

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Women’s Giving Circle Fall Education Event

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Are you a woman or do you know one? Are you excited about changing the world? Are you free on the evening of Monday, September 29, 2014? If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, you might want to check out the Women’s Giving Circle Fall Educational Event. “Why in the world would I do that?” you may ask. “And what the heck IS the Women’s Giving Circle, anyway?” Well, my friend, I’ll tell you. The Women’s Giving Circle is a group of Eau Claire area women…

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ECCF Welcomes Guest Presenter Bryan Clontz

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Guest presenterBryan Clontz   Tuesday, Oct. 7, from 7:00 am to 11:30 am at the Avalon Hotel and Conference Center in Chippewa Falls, WI The community foundations of Chippewa, Dunn, and Eau Claire are honored to welcome Bryan Clontz, CFP, CLU, ChFC, CAP, AEP, president and co-founder of Charitable Solutions, LLC, as our guest presenter. Bryan will be presenting Creative Charitable Planning with Non-Cash Assets on Tuesday, October 7, from 7:00 to 11:30 am at the Avalon Hotel and Conference Center in Chippewa Falls, WI. His…

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