Women’s Giving Circle Fall Education Event


Are you a woman or do you know one? Are you excited about changing the world? Are you free on the evening of Monday, September 29, 2014?

If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, you might want to check out the Women’s Giving Circle Fall Educational Event.

“Why in the world would I do that?” you may ask. “And what the heck IS the Women’s Giving Circle, anyway?”

Well, my friend, I’ll tell you. The Women’s Giving Circle is a group of Eau Claire area women who came together and created a fund at the Eau Claire Community Foundation with the purpose of supporting nonprofit organizations that serve local women and/or children. Each year, the Women’s Giving Circle (WGC for short) awards grants to qualifying organizations.

The WGC also hosts several events each year, among them the aforementioned Fall Educational Event on September 29. It will take place in the L.E. Phillips Senior Center Dining and Social Room (located at 1616 Bellinger Street in Eau Claire); there will be social time beginning at 4:30 p.m., and a program featuring four fabulous guest speakers will begin at 5:00 p.m.

The topic? Making Philanthropy Count: How Local Women and Children Are Changing the World.

The speakers? Katherine Schneider, Donna Raleigh, Kathryn Rulien-Bareis, and Katharine Rhoten. Each one will share her own experience with changing the world.

Those experiences include founding a book award, creating funds, volunteering with numerous nonprofits, starting a student-run company, and purchasing toys for hospitalized children.

With a wide range of ages, experiences, and perspectives, the four speakers will show their audience how they changed the world and maybe inspire that audience to do a little world-changing of its own.

To learn more about attending the Fall Educational Event, joining the WGC, donating to an existing fund, or maybe even creating a new fund of your own, please contact the Eau Claire Community Foundation by writing to [email protected] or calling (715) 552-3801.